Children Rhymes

children rhymes

These children rhymes are an easy way to teach your child about rhyming.  Simply print out the pictures below and then color in the words that rhyme.

Each poem has one or more sets of words that rhyme.  You can have your child label these in whichever way works best.  As you can see in the example shown, you could have each set of words colored in differently.

You may also just mark each set in a different way.  You could color in the words, mark them out, or circle them. 

Printable Children Rhymes

The rhymes below are simple (I'm a web designer not a poet-lol), but my kids got a kick out of them.

Simply click on the pictures to download the worksheets and then you can print them out.

children rhymes 1
children rhymes 2
children rhymes 3
children rhymes 4
children rhymes 5
children rhymes 6

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